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Duel Monsters Tips

The Yu-Gi-Oh!Trading Card Game(a.k.a. Duel Monsters), is a challenging game that requires skill, thought, and technique. It's a lot of fun and always unpredictable! ^_^ In this section, I've complied a bunch of tips and strategies for playing. Hope it's helpful!

-A good balance of Monster, Magic, and Trap cards is essential. Too much or too little of any and you may find yourself in a lot of tight pinches!

-It's always good to have powerful Monsters, but be sure to have a good amount of Level 4 or lower Monsters for tributes. About twenty-five Level 4 or lower Monsters, a maximum of about twelve Level 5 or 6 Monsters, and a maximum of two Level 7+ Monsters is a pretty good balance.

-Try to use Magic and Trap cards that specifically benefit your Monsters. For example, if you have a deck with a lot of Fiend Monsters, you could put in a couple of the Magic card Dark Energy, which only raises the attack of Fiend Monsters.

-Never underestimate the power of a weak Monster with a strong Effect! Some Monsters, such as Magician of Faith and Man-Eater Bug, have really low attack and defense points, but their Effects can be helpful to you and/or devastating to your opponent. A well timed Effect from an otherwise weak Monster could very well change the entire flow of the game! It's always a good idea to have a few weak but effective Effect Monsters in your deck. Other helpful Effect Monsters: Kuriboh, Cyber Jar, Wall of Illusion, Morphing Jar, Penguin Soldier, Dimensional Warrior, and Hane-Hane.

-Using Fusion and Ritual Monsters usually takes some luck and skill, but they're some of the most powerful Monsters in the game. If your deck has more than one Fusion Monster, it's a good idea to put in three Polymerization cards. The Magic card Fusion Sage could also be helpful, since it allows you to take a Polymerization card from your deck and add it to your hand. Some Monsters have Effects that can help you get your Fusion Monster on the field more quickly. Beastking of the Swamps, Mystical Sheep#1, and Versago the Destroyer are three Monsters that can be used in place of one of the Fusion Monsters. Cyber Stein's Effect let's you Special Summon a Fusion Monster to the field in attack position, which would be fantastic if it didn't cost 5,000 Life Points! Some of the strongest Fusion Monsters are Black Skull Dragon(Attk: 3200), Meteor Black Dragon(Attk: 3500), and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon(Attk: 4500).

-As for Ritual Monsters, Sonic Bird is good Monster to use. Though not very strong, his Effect let's you search for a Ritual Magic card from your deck and put it into your hand.

-If you really want to use Fusion and Ritual Monster, make sure that they're exceptionally strong or helpful to your deck in some way. What I mean is that using too many of them decreases the chances of you having the right cards to summon the right Monsters. If there are regular Monsters that are just as powerful but easier to summon than the Fusion and Ritual Monster, then it would be better to use the regular Monsters.

-Once you've got your Monsters figured out, it's time to put some helpful Magic and Trap cards in your deck! Here's a list of some of the most effective and versatile of them. Having a bunch of these cards is a necessity for any deck!

Mirror Force, Malevolent Nuzzler, Trap Hole, Raigeki, Dark Hole, Waboku, Call of the Haunted, Harpie’s Feather Duster, Change of Heart, Soul Exchange, Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, Monster Reborn, Fissure, Swords of Revealing Light, Tribute to the Doomed, Negate Attack, Heavy Storm, Card Destruction, Ax of Despair, Mystical Space Typhoon, Magic Jammer, Spellbinding Circle

-Don’t always be so quick to attack your opponent's face-down defense position Monster. That Monster could be weak, but have a nasty little Effect that could be devastating! Always be prepared to lose a prized Monster!

-If your opponent has one face-down defense position Monster on the field and you have more than one, it's usually a good idea to have your strongest Monster attack it. Your opponent could have put it face down on purpose because it has a weak attack but high defense, such as Mystic Elf and Giant Soldier of Stone.

-And the biggest tip of all is...Enjoy the game, and remember: It's just a game! Most of it depends on luck more than anything, and if you lose, don't fret. Everyone has their lucky and unlucky days! :)

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