
Japanese Name: Morufon

Type: Bug/Poison

Species: Poison Moth

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 28lbs

Evolution: Evolves from Venonat

-Red/Blue: The dust-like scales covering its wings are color coded to indicate the kinds of poison it has.

-Yellow: The powdery scales on its wings are hard to remove. They also contain poison that leaks out on contact.

-Gold: When it attacks, it flaps its large wings violently to scatter its poisonous powder all around.

-Silver: The powder on its wings is poisonous if it is dark in color. If it is light, it causes paralysis.

-Crystal: The scales it scatters will paralyze anyone who touches them, making that person unable to stand.

-Stadium: The powder on its wings is poisonous. It scatters the powder with every flap, so you may be poisoned if you are downwind.

-Ruby/Sapphire: Venomoth is nocturnal - it is a pokemon that only becomes active at night. Its favorite prey are small insects that gather around streetlights, attracted by the light in the darkness.

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