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Slayers Story Synopsis

Meet Lina Inverse, the cute, sassy, teen sorceress whose two joys in life are food and money! Along with her "protector," the strong but dumber than dirt swordsman Gourry, her hyperactive and enthusiastic protege, Amelia, and the overly serious golem man Zelgadis, Lina and her friends travel around an ancient fantasy world of dragons, monsters, and magic, searching for food, fortune, and fame...well, mostly just food and fortune!


The first series(just called The Slayers)involves the mysterious Red Priest, Rezo. While stealing from some bandits one day, Lina was "saved" by Gourry, who swore to be her "protector" from then on(not that Lina needs it ^^,,,) The pair soon encountered Zelgadis, a part golem, part demon, and part human chimera man who, at first, seemed like a shady character. Lina and Gourry were told by Rezo the Red Priest that Zelgadis wanted to resurrect the most powerful monster, the Dark Lord Shabranigdo. But they soon found out that it was Rezo who wanted to do that in the hopes that it would help cure his blindness. By sealing Shabranigdo inside his own body, Rezo could finally see...but Shabranigdo soon overtook him. After a difficult battle, Lina, Gourry, and Zelgadis, were able to defeat the terrible Dark Lord. After Zelgadis went off on his own for a while, Lina and Gourry came upon Amelia, a princess from the renowned kingdom of Seryuun. Amelia enthusiastically believed in justice, and she decided to follow Lina in order to become a good sorceress so she could advocate justice wherever she went. The gang soon met Sylphiel from the city of Sairrag, who specialized in healing spells(and had a major crush on Gourry.) But Lina and her friends soon discovered that Rezo was still alive?! No, a copy of him was made by one of his loyal followers, Eris. But Copy Rezo turned against Eris, and wanted to kill Lina in order to surpass the power of the original Rezo. He even summoned the demon beast, Zanaffar to help him. But Lina was able to use the powerful Bless Blade, and the magical tree Flagoon to defeat Copy Rezo and Zanaffar.

Slayers Next

In the second series of Slayers, called Slayers Next, Lina and Gourry are reunited with Amelia and Zelgadis when Lina completely demolished the plotting kingdom of Xona(everyone had evacuated except the ambitious king and his daughter, Martina.) Martina swore to kill Lina for revenge, but the two just developed a never-ending rivalry that's more humorous than serious. This series also introduces Xellos, the comical but mysterious priest, who kept on following Lina and the gang(and later turns out to be a monster!) Towards the end of the series, Lina is confronted with the powerful monster Hellmaster Phibrizzo! Phibrizzo knew that Lina could cast the most powerful spell, the Giga Slave, which could consume the entire world into a dark void of nothingness. Lina had vowed never to use that spell, but when Phibrizzo put Gourry's life on the line, Lina must risk everything in order to save him!

Slayers Try

The third and finale series of Slayers, Slayers Try, involved a prophesy brought to Lina and her friends by the dragon priestess Filia. As the gang traveled with Filia in order to find out the meaning of the prophesy, they're constantly attacked by the monster, Valgaav. Later on, it's revealed that Valgaav wanted to free the Dark Lord, Dark Star, and to do so he needed the five light weapons, one of them being Gourry's Sword of Light! Things really start to heat up when the dragons, the gods, and the monsters get involved, and the events that occurred were what was foretold in the prophesy. A past genocide, involving the massacre of all ancient dragons by the golden dragons because of a disagreement, is what led Valgaav to want to free Dark Star(he was part ancient dragon.) He wanted Dark Star to destroy the world and let it start over, without the ongoing war between the gods and the monsters. Now, dragons, monsters, gods, and humans must come together and use the five light weapons to defeat Dark Star!

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