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Hellmaster Phibrizzo

English Voice: Vinnie Penna

Seiyuu: Kazu Ikura

Status: Monster

Phibrizzo was one of the most powerful(and most wicked) monsters. He could kill people in the blink of an eye, and he thought nothing of doing so. When he learned that Lina could cast the ultimate spell, the Giga Slave, which could turn the world into a dark void of oblivion if it goes out of control, Phibrizzo devised a plan: to have Lina use the spell in hopes that it would go out of control and plunge the world into chaos.

Disguising himself as a small child, he was able to walk among Lina and the others without them knowing who he really was. And after he destroyed Gaav and revealed his true identity to Lina and the others, he kidnapped Gourry! He used his powers to temporarily resurrect the dead city of Sairaag, and if Lina wanted Gourry back, she would have to come to the city and cast the Giga Slave. When Lina was still reluctant to cast the dangerous spell, Phibrizzo threatened to kill all of her friends, including Gourry. Lina finally decided to cast the spell, and it ended up bringing the Lord of Nightmares into her body. Phibrizzo had no idea that the Giga Slave was the Lord of Nightmares herself! And as he was mourning over his ruined plan, the golden lord destroyed him.

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