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English Voice: Scott McNeil

Seiyuu: Taiki Matsuno

Koga is the leader of the Wolf-Demon Tribe. And as such, he has many wolf-like habits, such as eating raw meat and living in a cave with his pack. He also has two Shikon shards, one in each leg, that allow him to move incredibly fast. One day, while letting his wolves run wild and sabotage a village, he ran into Inuyasha's group. He was shocked that Kagome could see the Jewel shards inside of him, so he decided to kidnap her and use her power to obtain other shards. It wasn't long before he grew to like her so much that he wanted to make her "his woman." Kagome does learn to like Koga, but she doesn't return his feelings of undying love. Koga, on the other hand, refuses to give up on her. However, even super-fast Koga could not escape Naraku's evil grasp. He sent Kagura to kill a great many of Koga's wolf-demon friends and framed Inuyasha for the deed, causing Koga to attack him! When Koga finally learned the truth, he set out to kill Naraku to avenge his kin. Accompanied by his two comrades, Ginta and Hakaku, Koga will stop at nothing to find Naraku...except to flirt with Kagome when he can ^^,,, Inuyasha and Koga don't get along(bet you had a hard time guessing that.)

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