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"A City With No People"

Part Seven: Finale

This city has no people...


...the light burning in the homes... warm and bright.

I am in a city with no people...

...but I'm not sad or lonely.

My heart glows.

I am one of them, but I still feel warm inside.

That's because I love this person.

The heart of someone who's... love...

...whether that person is alive or not... kind and warm.

If my heart is this warm...

...if I can be this happy...

...then I wish that all those like me can fall in love...

...and that all of them will have their love returned.

The love we feel may not be the same...

...but it doesn't matter when I'm with the "someone just for me."

If we can all find that special person...

...then the world will be a most joyous place.


...this city...

...will have no unhappy people.

It's the special city that has...

...the someone just for me.

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